Tamil Nadu Congress Committee president K.V. Thangkabalu has termed the decision to conduct caste-wise census in the country a “revolutionary turning point,” in the annals of social justice.
In a statement here on Friday, he said that the decision proved a shot in the arm for those who had been fighting for it for long and also for various political parties.
Mr. Thangkabalu observed that the Congress was very keen on this issue from the beginning and had given consent for the census overlooking conventional procedures.
Significant step
The All India Federation of Other Backward Classes Employees' Welfare Association also termed the caste-wise census “historic” and “a significant step in the right direction”.
In a statement, its general secretary G. Karunanidhy said that the demand was pending for the past six decades and the United Progressive Alliance government had taken a “bold decision, which will be a great boost to the OBC people who have been deprived of their due share in every field.”
Besides, the data to be collected would put at rest repeated queries by courts on reservation policy relating to OBCs and help the Centre and State governments implement welfare measures for the betterment of OBCs and other deprived sections.